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  • What should I expect on the first visit?
    An initial Acupuncture visit usually lasts about 80 minutes. Upon booking your appointment, you will receive an email confirmation and invitation to our patient portal where you can fill out our detailed questionnaire online. We ask that you do this before your appointment. This will give your practitioner an opportunity to review your health history. During the consultation portion of your first visit, your practitioner will ask several questions about your main complaint and your body as a whole. You will also have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have. After we get a good understanding of what is ailing you, we will begin treatment. Treatment will include acupuncture and depending on what your complaint is, may include moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, and an herbal prescription. Every person is unique and requires different treatment plans, so we will determine what is best for you at your initial visit. The needles are typically left in for about 30 minutes, during which you will be allowed to relax in a quiet, darkened room. You will be given a bell in case you need our assistance during your treatment.
  • How do I prepare?
    Try to allow plenty of time to get to your appointment so you don’t rush in. If possible, wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes. You want to be as comfortable as possible so you can fully relax during your acupuncture treatment. The most commonly used acupuncture points are on the extremities, so we will need to access to these areas. Make sure it hasn't been too long before your last meal. Some people get dizzy or faint if they come on an empty stomach, so if necessary, have a light snack before your treatment.
  • Is acupuncture safe?
    Yes. Acupuncture has no unpleasant side effects and does not interfere with any medical treatment you may already be receiving. Occasionally patients may get a small local bruise or feel light-headed for a few moments. The acupuncture itself can be as gentle or strong as the patient needs.
  • Does acupuncture hurt?
    Most people who have had acupuncture would describe it as virtually painless; although you may experience is a slight prick upon insertion. The sensations that follow range from nothing at all, to mild tingling, to slight numbness/achiness, to electrical pulsations in areas distant from the site of insertion. All these sensations usually subside once the needles are removed. The needles used for acupuncture are much smaller than the standard hypodermic needle, do not draw blood, and are solid, not hollow.
  • What is that smell?
    Some treatments require the burning of an herb called artemesia vulgaris, also known as ai ye or mugwort, but it is more commonly known as moxa. It is a traditional Chinese medical technique that helps warm the body, strengthen the blood, and stimulate the flow of "qi."
  • Why do you examine my tongue?
    The tongue has many relationships and connections to the internal organs of the body. It is therefore very useful and important to inspect the tongue to help diagnose you. We will be looking at your tongue color, the thickness and color of the tongue coating, and the relative shape of your tongue.
  • Why do you take my pulse?
    Pulse diagnosis is an integral part of Chinese medical diagnosis. We will feel your radial pulse on both wrists to get a better picture of your overall health. While we do count the rate like traditional Western medical doctors, we are also feeling for the quality and depth of the pulse to aid in our diagnosis.
  • How many treatments will I need?
    Depending on the nature, severity and duration of the complaint, the course of treatment will vary. Many problems can be fixed quickly, while more chronic conditions may be relieved only with time and effort. The speed of progress with long-standing chronic issues is much determined by the patient's willingness to make lifestyle changes conjunction with the treatment.
  • What are Chinese Herbs?
    Your practitioner may recommend that you take Chinese herbs to help compliment your treatment process. Herbs are recommended in formulas that are specifically designed for the patients needs. Our most commonly recommended form of herbs is capsules for your convenience.
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